, p. 129.
51. 1. Taylor. cited in S. Maddi, "The Strenuousness of the Creative Life", in
I.A.Taylor and J, W. Getzels, eds.. Perspectives in Creativity (Chicago: Aldine. 1975),
pp. 173-90.
52. L. Beethoven, cited in M. Von Andics, Suicide and the Meaning of Life (London:
William Hodge, 1947), p. 178.
53. A. Roe, "Changes in Scientific Activities with Age". Science (1965) 150:313-18.
54. M. Crosby. oral communication, 1979.
55. P. Koestenbaum, Is There an Answer to Death? (New York: Prentice-Hall, 1976),
pp. 37-38.
56. J. Brennecke and R. Amick, The Struggle for Significance, 2nd ed. (Beverly Hills,
Calif.: Clencoe Press, 1975), pp. 9-10.
57. A. Maslow, Toward a Psychology of Being (N.J.: Van Nostrand, 1962), p. 147.
58. M. Buber, "The Way of Man According to the Teachings of Hasidism", in Reli-
gion from Tolstoy to Camus, ed. W. Kaufman (New York: Harper Torchbooks, 1961),
pp. 425-41.
59. Ibid., p. 437.
60. E. Erikson, Childhood and Society, 2nd ed. (New York: W. W. Norton, 1963),
pp. 247-74.
61. G. Vaillant. Adaptation to Life (Boston: Little, Brown. 1977); R. Gould, "The
Phases of Adult Life: A Study in Developmental Psychology", American Journal of Psychia-
try (1972) 129:521-31: and D. Levinson. The Seasons of A Mans Life (New York:
Alfred A. Knopf, 1978).
62. Erikson, Childhood, p. 267,
63. G. Vaillant. Adaptation, p. 22S.
64. Ibid., p. 232.
65. Ibid., p. 343.
66. N. Haan and J. Block, cited in G. Vaillant, op. cit., p. 330.
67. V. Franki, Man s Search for Meaning: An Introduction to Logotherapy (New York:
Pocket Books, 1963).
68. V. Franki, oral communication, 1971.
69. V. Franki, Will to Meaning, p. 21.
70. V. Franki, "Self-transcendence as a Human Phenomenon", Journal of Humanis-
tic Psychology (1966) 6:97-107.
71. С. Buhler. "The Human Course of Life in Its Goal Aspects", Journal of Human-
istic Psychology. (1964) 4:1-17.
72. G. Allport, Becoming: Basic Considerations for a Psychology of Personality (New
Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1955).
73. V. Franki, Mans Search, p. 166.
74. V. Franki, "Self-transcendence".
75. W. Frankena, Ethics (New York: Prentice-Hall, 1973) p. 86.
76. A. Watts, The Meaning of Happiness (New York: Perennial Library, Harper Row,
1940), p. vi.
77. V. Franki. Mans Search for Meaning, p. 154.
78. A. Ungersma. The Search for Meaning (Philadelphia. Pa.: Westminister Press,
1961), pp. 27f.
79. V. Franki, "Self-transcendence".
80. V. Franki, Mans Search for Meaning, p. 155.
. Ibid., p. 154.
V. Franki, Will to Meaning, p. 70.
83. V. Franki. cited in J. Fabry, The Pursuit of Meaning (Boston: Beacon Press, 1968),
p. 40.
84. Ibid., p. 44.
85. V. Franki, Will to Meaning, p. 21.
86. S:Bloch et al., "Outcome in Psychotherapy Evaluated by Independent Judges",
British Journal of Psychiatry (1977) 131:410-14; and G. Bond, et al.. "The Evaluation of
the Target Problem Approach to Outcome Measures" Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and
Practice (1979) 16(1): 48-54.
87. J. Gardner, doctoral dissertation. University of Chicago, 1977.
88. S. Freud, cited in Edwards. "Meaning and Value", p. 477.
89. V. Franki, Will to Meaning, p. 84.
90. J. Crumbaugh. "Frankls Logotherapy: A New Orientation in Counseling", Jour-
nal of Religion and Health (1971) 10:373-86.
91. Ing. Alois Habinger, cited in V. Franki, "The Feeling of Meaninglessness:
A Challenge to Psychotherapy", American Journal of Psychoanalysis (1972) 32:85-89.
92. Maddi, "Search for Meaning": Maddi, "Existential Neurosis": and S. Kobasa
and S. Maddi, "Existential Personality Theory," in Current Personality Theory, ed.
R. Corsini (Itasca, III.: Peacock Books. 1979).
"The Alienation Test", Journal of Hu-
93. S. Maddi, oral communications, 1979.
94. S. Maddi, S. Kobasa, and M. Hoover,
monistic Psychology (1979) 19(4): 73-76.
95. Maddi, "Search for Meaning."
96. J. Pike, Beyond Anxiety (New York: Charles Scribner, 1953).
97. J. Crumbaugh and L. Maholick, "An Experimental Study in Existentialism: The
Approach to Frankls Concept ofNoogenic Neurosis", Journal of Clinical Psychology (1964)
98. J. Braun and G. Dolmino, "The Purpose in Life Test," in The Seventh Mental
Measurements Yearbook, ed. О. К. Buros (Highland Park, N.J.: Gryphon Press, 1978),
p. 656.
99. Ibid.
100. Ibid.
101. J. Battista and R. Almond. "The Development of Meaning in Life", Psychiatry
(1973) 36:409-27.
102. С. Garfield, "A Psychonietric and Clinical Investigation of Frankls Concept of
Existential Vacuum and ofAnomie", Psychiatry (1973) 36:396-408.
103. Braun and Domino, "Purpose in Life Test".
104. Ibid.
105. J. Crumbaugh. "Cross-Validation of Purpose in Life Test", Journal of Individual
Psychology, (1968) 24:74-81.
106. M. Familetti, "A Comparison of the Meaning and Purpose in Life of Delinquent
and Non-delinquent High School Boys", United States International University, Disserta-
tion Abstracts International Sept. 1975 vol. 36(3-A), 1825.
107. В. Padelford, "Relationship between Drug Involvement and Purpose in Life",
San Diego State University, Journal of Clinical Psychology (1974) 30(3):303-5.
108. Crumbaugh, "Cross-Validation".
109. Ibid.
110. Crumbaugh, "Frankls Logotherapy".
III. R. Jacobson, D. Ritter, and L. Mueller, "Purpose in Life and Personal Values
among Adult Alcoholics", Journal of Clinical Psychology (1977) 33(1)314-16.
112. В. Sheffield and P. Pearson, "Purpose in Life in a Sample of British Psychiatric
Outpatients", Journal of Clinical Psychology (1974) 30(4)459.
113. D. SalleeandJ. Casciani, "Relationship between SexDrive and Sexual Frustra-
tion and Purpose in Life", Journal of Clinical Psychology (1967) 32(2) 273-75.
114. J. Thomas and E. Weiner, "Psychological Differences among Groups of Criti-
cally III Hospitalized Patients, Noncritically III Hospitalized Patients and Well Controls",
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology (1974) 42(2) 274-79.
115. J. Crandall and R. Rasmussen, "Purpose in Life as Related to Specific Values",
Journal of Clinical Psychology (1975) 31(3) 483-85.
116. Ibid.: and D. Soderstrom and E. Wright, "Religious Orientation and Meaning in
Life", Journal of Clinical Psychology (1977) 33(1) 65-68.
117. J. McCarthy, "Death Anxiety, Intrinsicness of Religion and Purpose in Life among
Nuns and Roman Catholic Female Undergraduates", Dissertation Abstracts International
(1975) vol. 35(11-B) 5646.
118. P. Pearson and B. Sheffield, "Purpose in Life and Social Attitudes in Psychiat-
ric Patients", Journal of Clinical Psychology (1975) 31(2) 330-32.
119. J. Crumbaugh, Sister Mary Raphael, and R. Shrader, "Frankls Will to Mean-
ing in a Religious Order", Journal of Clinical Psychology (1970) 21(2) 206-7. 120. Mc-
Carthy, op. cit.; and J. Blazer, "The Relationship between Meaning in Life and Fear of
Death", Psychology (1973) 10(2) 33-34.
121. L. Doerries, "Purpose in Life and Social Participation", Journal of Individual
Psychology, (1970) 26(l):50-53; and R. Matteson, "Purpose in Life as Related to Involve-
ment in Organized Groups and Certain Sociocultural Variables", Dissertation Abstracts In-
ternational (1975) vol. 35(8-BO) 4147-48.
122. Matteson, "Purpose in Life".
123. A. Butler and L. Can", "Purpose in Life through Social Action", Journal of Soda!
Psychology (1968) 74(2) 243-50.
124. D. Sharpe and L. Viney, "Weltanschauung and the Purpose in Life Test", Jour-
nal of Clinical Psychology (1973) 29(4) 489-91.
125. Matteson, "Purpose in Life".
126. G. Sargent. "Motivation and Meaning: Frankls Logotherapy in the Work Situa-
tion", Dissertation Abstracts international (1973) vol. 34(4-B), 1785.
127. Garfield, "Psychometric and Clinical Investigation".
128. Padelford, "Drug Involvement and Purpose in Life".
129. Crumbaugh, "Cross-Validation".
130. Sheffield and Pearson, "Purpose in Life and Social Attitudes".
131. Battista and Almond, "Development of Meaning".
132. M. Camey and B. Sheffield, "The Effects of Pulse ЕСТ in Neurotic and Endog-
enous Depression", British Journal of Psychiatry (1974) 125:91-94.
К главе II
1. V. Franki, "What Is Meant by Meaning", Journal of Existentialism (1966) 7:21-28.
2. Ibid.
3. С. Kluckholm, "Values and Value-Orientation in the Theory of Action", in To-
ward A General Theory of Action, ed. T. Parsons and E. Shils (Cambridge, Mass.; Har-
vard University Press, 1951), p. 396.
4. Ibid., pp. 388-434.
5. L. Tolstoy, My Confession, My Religion, The Gospel in Дуге/(New York: Charles
Scribner, 1929), p. 20.
6. Ibid., p. 185.
7. В. Russell, A Free Mans Worship (Portland, Me.;T. B, Mosher, 1927).
8. E. Becker, Escape from Evil (New York; Free Press, 1975), p. 3.
9. V. Franki, Mans Search for Meaning: An Introduction to Logotherapy (Mew York:
Pocket Books, 1963), p. 192.
10. D. Hume, cited in A. Flew, "Tolstoi and the Meaning of Life", Ethics (1963)
II. B. Wolman, "Principles of Interactional Psychotherapy", Psychotherapy: Theo-
ry, Research and Practice (1975) 12:149-59.
12. V. Franki, Mans Search, p. 176.
13. E. Fromm, Escape From Freedom (New York: Holt, Rinehart Winston, 1941),
p. 13.
14. D. Suzuki, "East and West", in E. Fromm, D. Suzuki, and R. DeMartino,
Zen Buddhism and Psychoanalysis (New York: Harper Row, 1960), pp. 1-10.
15. Matthew 6:26 (King James Version).
16. Luke 12:27 (King James Version).
17. J. Brennecke and R. Amick, The Struggle for Significance (Beverly Hills, Calif.:
Glencoe Press, 1975), p. 143.
18. W. B. Yeats, cited in R. Hepburn, "Questions about the Meaning of Life",
Religious Studies (1965) 1:125-40.
19. Hepburn, "Questions".
20. В. Rajneesh, cited in B. Gunther, Dying for Enlightenment (New York: Harper
: Row, 1979).
21. V. Franki, "Fragments from the Logotherapeutic Treatment of Four Cases", in
Modern Psychotherapeutic Practice, ed. A. Burton (Palo Alto, Calif.: Science and Behav-
ior Books, 1965), pp. 365-67.
22. Personal communication, 1970.
23. V. Franki, Mans Search, pp. 143-44.
24. Ibid., pp. 368-70.
25. T. Zuehike and J. Watkins, "The Use of Logotherapy with Dying Patients: An
Exploratory Study", Journal of Clinical Psychology (1975) 31:729-32.
26. С. Jung, Memories, Dreams, Reflections (New York: Pantheon Books, 1961),
pp. 139-40.
27. P. Koestenbaum, Is There an Answer to Death (Englewood Clifis, N. ].: Prentice-
Hall. 1976), p. 81.
28. A. Ungersma, The Search for Meaning (Philadelphia: Westminister Press, 1961),
p. 27f.; J. Fabry, The Pursuit of Meaning (Boston: Beacon Press, 1969); and J. Crum-
baugh, Everything to Gain (Chicago: Nelson Hall, 1973).
29. V. Franki, The Doctor and the Soul (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1965), pp. 221-
30. M. Erickson, "The Use of Symptoms as an Integral Part ofHypnotherapy", Amer-
ican Journal of Clinical Hypnosis (1965) 8:57-65; J. Haley, Uncommon Therapy: The Psy-
chiatric Techniques of Milton Erickson (New York: W. W. Norton, 1973): and P. Watziaw-
ick, J. Beavin, and D. Jackson. Pragmatics of Human Communication (New York:
W. W. Norton, 1967).
31. J. Crumbaugh, "Frankls Logotherapy: A New Orientation in Counseling", Jour-
nal of Religion and Health (1970) 10:373-86.
32. D. Follesdal, oral communication, 1979.
33. T. Nagel, Mortal Questions (London: Cambridge University Press, 1979), p. 21.
34. К. Bach, Exit-Existentialism: A Philosophy of Self-Awareness (Belmont, Calif.: Wads-
worth, 1973), p. 6.
35. A. Schopenhauer, cited in The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, vol. IV, ed. P. Ed-
wards, et al. (New York: Macrnillan, 1967), p. 468.
36. Nagel, Mortal Questions, p. 22.
37. Bach, Exit-Existentialism, p. 7.
38. Hume, cited in Nagel, Mortal Questions, p. 20.
39. Tolstoy, My Confession, p. 16.
40. L. Wittgenstein, Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, trans. D. Pears and B. McGuin-
ness (London and Henley: Routledge Kegan Paul, 1961), p. 73.
Специи жизни и смерти в психотерапии. Предисловие Л.М. Кроля.
1. Введение.............................................................................................
Экзистенциальная терапия: динамическая психотерапия ...-....
Экзистенциальная психотерапия: поле отношений ..................
Экзистенциальная терапия и академическое сообщество ........
Часть 1. СМЕРТЬ
2. Жизнь, смерть и тревога
Взаимозависимость жизни и смерти
Смерть и тревога.
Невнимание к смерти в теории и практике психотерапии
Фрейд: тревога без смерти ...............................
3. Представление о смерти у детей ...................
Всепроникающий характер озабоченности смертью
у детей.................................................................................
Концепция смерти: стадии развития
Тревога смерти и возникновение психопатологии
Просвещение детей на тему смерти .........................
4. Смерть и психопатология...........................................
Тревога смерти: парадигма психопатологии ...........
Конечный спаситель.......
К целостному представлению о психопатологии .................
Шизофрения и страх смерти ....................................................
Экзистенциальная парадигма психопатологии: данные
5. Смерть и психотерапия ..............
Смерть как пограничная ситуация ...............
Сознавание смерти в повседневной психотерапии
Смерть как первичный источник тревоги ................
Проблемы психотерапии.
Удовлетворение жизнью и тревога смерти:
в чем опора для терапевта?
Десенсибилизация к смерти...............
Ответственность как экзистенциальным проблема ........................
Избегание ответственности: клинические проявления ................
Принятие ответственности и психотерапия ....................................
Ответственность по-американски, или как взяться за свою
жизнь, самому собой управлять, позаботиться о собственной
персоне и преуспеть в управлении собой ........................................
Ответственность и психотерапия: данные исследований
Ограничения ответственности...........................................................
Ответственность и экзистенциальная вина .....................................
Ответственность, воля и действие ...................................................
К клиническому пониманию воли: Ранк, Фарбер, Мэй ...........
Воля и клиническая практика............................................................
Решение - выбор ................................................................................
Прошлое против будущего в психотерапии ....................................
Часть III. ИЗОЛЯЦИЯ .....................
8. Экзистенциальная изоляция..
Что такое экзистенциальная изоляция? ...............................
Изоляция и отношения..........................................................
Экзистенциальная изоляция и психопатология
межличностных отношений ...................................................
9. Экзистенциальная изоляция и психотерапия ....................
Ориентир в понимании межличностных отношений .......
Конфронтирование пациента с изоляцией .........................
Встреча пациент-терапевт и изоляция .................................
10. Кризис бессмысленности...
Проблема смысла..................
Смысл жизни.........................
Потеря смысла: значение в терапии
Клиническое исследование...........
II. Бессмысленность и психотерапия
Почему мы нуждаемся в смысле?
Психотерапевтические стратегии.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
51. 1. Taylor. cited in S. Maddi, "The Strenuousness of the Creative Life", in
I.A.Taylor and J, W. Getzels, eds.. Perspectives in Creativity (Chicago: Aldine. 1975),
pp. 173-90.
52. L. Beethoven, cited in M. Von Andics, Suicide and the Meaning of Life (London:
William Hodge, 1947), p. 178.
53. A. Roe, "Changes in Scientific Activities with Age". Science (1965) 150:313-18.
54. M. Crosby. oral communication, 1979.
55. P. Koestenbaum, Is There an Answer to Death? (New York: Prentice-Hall, 1976),
pp. 37-38.
56. J. Brennecke and R. Amick, The Struggle for Significance, 2nd ed. (Beverly Hills,
Calif.: Clencoe Press, 1975), pp. 9-10.
57. A. Maslow, Toward a Psychology of Being (N.J.: Van Nostrand, 1962), p. 147.
58. M. Buber, "The Way of Man According to the Teachings of Hasidism", in Reli-
gion from Tolstoy to Camus, ed. W. Kaufman (New York: Harper Torchbooks, 1961),
pp. 425-41.
59. Ibid., p. 437.
60. E. Erikson, Childhood and Society, 2nd ed. (New York: W. W. Norton, 1963),
pp. 247-74.
61. G. Vaillant. Adaptation to Life (Boston: Little, Brown. 1977); R. Gould, "The
Phases of Adult Life: A Study in Developmental Psychology", American Journal of Psychia-
try (1972) 129:521-31: and D. Levinson. The Seasons of A Mans Life (New York:
Alfred A. Knopf, 1978).
62. Erikson, Childhood, p. 267,
63. G. Vaillant. Adaptation, p. 22S.
64. Ibid., p. 232.
65. Ibid., p. 343.
66. N. Haan and J. Block, cited in G. Vaillant, op. cit., p. 330.
67. V. Franki, Man s Search for Meaning: An Introduction to Logotherapy (New York:
Pocket Books, 1963).
68. V. Franki, oral communication, 1971.
69. V. Franki, Will to Meaning, p. 21.
70. V. Franki, "Self-transcendence as a Human Phenomenon", Journal of Humanis-
tic Psychology (1966) 6:97-107.
71. С. Buhler. "The Human Course of Life in Its Goal Aspects", Journal of Human-
istic Psychology. (1964) 4:1-17.
72. G. Allport, Becoming: Basic Considerations for a Psychology of Personality (New
Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1955).
73. V. Franki, Mans Search, p. 166.
74. V. Franki, "Self-transcendence".
75. W. Frankena, Ethics (New York: Prentice-Hall, 1973) p. 86.
76. A. Watts, The Meaning of Happiness (New York: Perennial Library, Harper Row,
1940), p. vi.
77. V. Franki. Mans Search for Meaning, p. 154.
78. A. Ungersma. The Search for Meaning (Philadelphia. Pa.: Westminister Press,
1961), pp. 27f.
79. V. Franki, "Self-transcendence".
80. V. Franki, Mans Search for Meaning, p. 155.
. Ibid., p. 154.
V. Franki, Will to Meaning, p. 70.
83. V. Franki. cited in J. Fabry, The Pursuit of Meaning (Boston: Beacon Press, 1968),
p. 40.
84. Ibid., p. 44.
85. V. Franki, Will to Meaning, p. 21.
86. S:Bloch et al., "Outcome in Psychotherapy Evaluated by Independent Judges",
British Journal of Psychiatry (1977) 131:410-14; and G. Bond, et al.. "The Evaluation of
the Target Problem Approach to Outcome Measures" Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and
Practice (1979) 16(1): 48-54.
87. J. Gardner, doctoral dissertation. University of Chicago, 1977.
88. S. Freud, cited in Edwards. "Meaning and Value", p. 477.
89. V. Franki, Will to Meaning, p. 84.
90. J. Crumbaugh. "Frankls Logotherapy: A New Orientation in Counseling", Jour-
nal of Religion and Health (1971) 10:373-86.
91. Ing. Alois Habinger, cited in V. Franki, "The Feeling of Meaninglessness:
A Challenge to Psychotherapy", American Journal of Psychoanalysis (1972) 32:85-89.
92. Maddi, "Search for Meaning": Maddi, "Existential Neurosis": and S. Kobasa
and S. Maddi, "Existential Personality Theory," in Current Personality Theory, ed.
R. Corsini (Itasca, III.: Peacock Books. 1979).
"The Alienation Test", Journal of Hu-
93. S. Maddi, oral communications, 1979.
94. S. Maddi, S. Kobasa, and M. Hoover,
monistic Psychology (1979) 19(4): 73-76.
95. Maddi, "Search for Meaning."
96. J. Pike, Beyond Anxiety (New York: Charles Scribner, 1953).
97. J. Crumbaugh and L. Maholick, "An Experimental Study in Existentialism: The
Approach to Frankls Concept ofNoogenic Neurosis", Journal of Clinical Psychology (1964)
98. J. Braun and G. Dolmino, "The Purpose in Life Test," in The Seventh Mental
Measurements Yearbook, ed. О. К. Buros (Highland Park, N.J.: Gryphon Press, 1978),
p. 656.
99. Ibid.
100. Ibid.
101. J. Battista and R. Almond. "The Development of Meaning in Life", Psychiatry
(1973) 36:409-27.
102. С. Garfield, "A Psychonietric and Clinical Investigation of Frankls Concept of
Existential Vacuum and ofAnomie", Psychiatry (1973) 36:396-408.
103. Braun and Domino, "Purpose in Life Test".
104. Ibid.
105. J. Crumbaugh. "Cross-Validation of Purpose in Life Test", Journal of Individual
Psychology, (1968) 24:74-81.
106. M. Familetti, "A Comparison of the Meaning and Purpose in Life of Delinquent
and Non-delinquent High School Boys", United States International University, Disserta-
tion Abstracts International Sept. 1975 vol. 36(3-A), 1825.
107. В. Padelford, "Relationship between Drug Involvement and Purpose in Life",
San Diego State University, Journal of Clinical Psychology (1974) 30(3):303-5.
108. Crumbaugh, "Cross-Validation".
109. Ibid.
110. Crumbaugh, "Frankls Logotherapy".
III. R. Jacobson, D. Ritter, and L. Mueller, "Purpose in Life and Personal Values
among Adult Alcoholics", Journal of Clinical Psychology (1977) 33(1)314-16.
112. В. Sheffield and P. Pearson, "Purpose in Life in a Sample of British Psychiatric
Outpatients", Journal of Clinical Psychology (1974) 30(4)459.
113. D. SalleeandJ. Casciani, "Relationship between SexDrive and Sexual Frustra-
tion and Purpose in Life", Journal of Clinical Psychology (1967) 32(2) 273-75.
114. J. Thomas and E. Weiner, "Psychological Differences among Groups of Criti-
cally III Hospitalized Patients, Noncritically III Hospitalized Patients and Well Controls",
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology (1974) 42(2) 274-79.
115. J. Crandall and R. Rasmussen, "Purpose in Life as Related to Specific Values",
Journal of Clinical Psychology (1975) 31(3) 483-85.
116. Ibid.: and D. Soderstrom and E. Wright, "Religious Orientation and Meaning in
Life", Journal of Clinical Psychology (1977) 33(1) 65-68.
117. J. McCarthy, "Death Anxiety, Intrinsicness of Religion and Purpose in Life among
Nuns and Roman Catholic Female Undergraduates", Dissertation Abstracts International
(1975) vol. 35(11-B) 5646.
118. P. Pearson and B. Sheffield, "Purpose in Life and Social Attitudes in Psychiat-
ric Patients", Journal of Clinical Psychology (1975) 31(2) 330-32.
119. J. Crumbaugh, Sister Mary Raphael, and R. Shrader, "Frankls Will to Mean-
ing in a Religious Order", Journal of Clinical Psychology (1970) 21(2) 206-7. 120. Mc-
Carthy, op. cit.; and J. Blazer, "The Relationship between Meaning in Life and Fear of
Death", Psychology (1973) 10(2) 33-34.
121. L. Doerries, "Purpose in Life and Social Participation", Journal of Individual
Psychology, (1970) 26(l):50-53; and R. Matteson, "Purpose in Life as Related to Involve-
ment in Organized Groups and Certain Sociocultural Variables", Dissertation Abstracts In-
ternational (1975) vol. 35(8-BO) 4147-48.
122. Matteson, "Purpose in Life".
123. A. Butler and L. Can", "Purpose in Life through Social Action", Journal of Soda!
Psychology (1968) 74(2) 243-50.
124. D. Sharpe and L. Viney, "Weltanschauung and the Purpose in Life Test", Jour-
nal of Clinical Psychology (1973) 29(4) 489-91.
125. Matteson, "Purpose in Life".
126. G. Sargent. "Motivation and Meaning: Frankls Logotherapy in the Work Situa-
tion", Dissertation Abstracts international (1973) vol. 34(4-B), 1785.
127. Garfield, "Psychometric and Clinical Investigation".
128. Padelford, "Drug Involvement and Purpose in Life".
129. Crumbaugh, "Cross-Validation".
130. Sheffield and Pearson, "Purpose in Life and Social Attitudes".
131. Battista and Almond, "Development of Meaning".
132. M. Camey and B. Sheffield, "The Effects of Pulse ЕСТ in Neurotic and Endog-
enous Depression", British Journal of Psychiatry (1974) 125:91-94.
К главе II
1. V. Franki, "What Is Meant by Meaning", Journal of Existentialism (1966) 7:21-28.
2. Ibid.
3. С. Kluckholm, "Values and Value-Orientation in the Theory of Action", in To-
ward A General Theory of Action, ed. T. Parsons and E. Shils (Cambridge, Mass.; Har-
vard University Press, 1951), p. 396.
4. Ibid., pp. 388-434.
5. L. Tolstoy, My Confession, My Religion, The Gospel in Дуге/(New York: Charles
Scribner, 1929), p. 20.
6. Ibid., p. 185.
7. В. Russell, A Free Mans Worship (Portland, Me.;T. B, Mosher, 1927).
8. E. Becker, Escape from Evil (New York; Free Press, 1975), p. 3.
9. V. Franki, Mans Search for Meaning: An Introduction to Logotherapy (Mew York:
Pocket Books, 1963), p. 192.
10. D. Hume, cited in A. Flew, "Tolstoi and the Meaning of Life", Ethics (1963)
II. B. Wolman, "Principles of Interactional Psychotherapy", Psychotherapy: Theo-
ry, Research and Practice (1975) 12:149-59.
12. V. Franki, Mans Search, p. 176.
13. E. Fromm, Escape From Freedom (New York: Holt, Rinehart Winston, 1941),
p. 13.
14. D. Suzuki, "East and West", in E. Fromm, D. Suzuki, and R. DeMartino,
Zen Buddhism and Psychoanalysis (New York: Harper Row, 1960), pp. 1-10.
15. Matthew 6:26 (King James Version).
16. Luke 12:27 (King James Version).
17. J. Brennecke and R. Amick, The Struggle for Significance (Beverly Hills, Calif.:
Glencoe Press, 1975), p. 143.
18. W. B. Yeats, cited in R. Hepburn, "Questions about the Meaning of Life",
Religious Studies (1965) 1:125-40.
19. Hepburn, "Questions".
20. В. Rajneesh, cited in B. Gunther, Dying for Enlightenment (New York: Harper
: Row, 1979).
21. V. Franki, "Fragments from the Logotherapeutic Treatment of Four Cases", in
Modern Psychotherapeutic Practice, ed. A. Burton (Palo Alto, Calif.: Science and Behav-
ior Books, 1965), pp. 365-67.
22. Personal communication, 1970.
23. V. Franki, Mans Search, pp. 143-44.
24. Ibid., pp. 368-70.
25. T. Zuehike and J. Watkins, "The Use of Logotherapy with Dying Patients: An
Exploratory Study", Journal of Clinical Psychology (1975) 31:729-32.
26. С. Jung, Memories, Dreams, Reflections (New York: Pantheon Books, 1961),
pp. 139-40.
27. P. Koestenbaum, Is There an Answer to Death (Englewood Clifis, N. ].: Prentice-
Hall. 1976), p. 81.
28. A. Ungersma, The Search for Meaning (Philadelphia: Westminister Press, 1961),
p. 27f.; J. Fabry, The Pursuit of Meaning (Boston: Beacon Press, 1969); and J. Crum-
baugh, Everything to Gain (Chicago: Nelson Hall, 1973).
29. V. Franki, The Doctor and the Soul (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1965), pp. 221-
30. M. Erickson, "The Use of Symptoms as an Integral Part ofHypnotherapy", Amer-
ican Journal of Clinical Hypnosis (1965) 8:57-65; J. Haley, Uncommon Therapy: The Psy-
chiatric Techniques of Milton Erickson (New York: W. W. Norton, 1973): and P. Watziaw-
ick, J. Beavin, and D. Jackson. Pragmatics of Human Communication (New York:
W. W. Norton, 1967).
31. J. Crumbaugh, "Frankls Logotherapy: A New Orientation in Counseling", Jour-
nal of Religion and Health (1970) 10:373-86.
32. D. Follesdal, oral communication, 1979.
33. T. Nagel, Mortal Questions (London: Cambridge University Press, 1979), p. 21.
34. К. Bach, Exit-Existentialism: A Philosophy of Self-Awareness (Belmont, Calif.: Wads-
worth, 1973), p. 6.
35. A. Schopenhauer, cited in The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, vol. IV, ed. P. Ed-
wards, et al. (New York: Macrnillan, 1967), p. 468.
36. Nagel, Mortal Questions, p. 22.
37. Bach, Exit-Existentialism, p. 7.
38. Hume, cited in Nagel, Mortal Questions, p. 20.
39. Tolstoy, My Confession, p. 16.
40. L. Wittgenstein, Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, trans. D. Pears and B. McGuin-
ness (London and Henley: Routledge Kegan Paul, 1961), p. 73.
Специи жизни и смерти в психотерапии. Предисловие Л.М. Кроля.
1. Введение.............................................................................................
Экзистенциальная терапия: динамическая психотерапия ...-....
Экзистенциальная психотерапия: поле отношений ..................
Экзистенциальная терапия и академическое сообщество ........
Часть 1. СМЕРТЬ
2. Жизнь, смерть и тревога
Взаимозависимость жизни и смерти
Смерть и тревога.
Невнимание к смерти в теории и практике психотерапии
Фрейд: тревога без смерти ...............................
3. Представление о смерти у детей ...................
Всепроникающий характер озабоченности смертью
у детей.................................................................................
Концепция смерти: стадии развития
Тревога смерти и возникновение психопатологии
Просвещение детей на тему смерти .........................
4. Смерть и психопатология...........................................
Тревога смерти: парадигма психопатологии ...........
Конечный спаситель.......
К целостному представлению о психопатологии .................
Шизофрения и страх смерти ....................................................
Экзистенциальная парадигма психопатологии: данные
5. Смерть и психотерапия ..............
Смерть как пограничная ситуация ...............
Сознавание смерти в повседневной психотерапии
Смерть как первичный источник тревоги ................
Проблемы психотерапии.
Удовлетворение жизнью и тревога смерти:
в чем опора для терапевта?
Десенсибилизация к смерти...............
Ответственность как экзистенциальным проблема ........................
Избегание ответственности: клинические проявления ................
Принятие ответственности и психотерапия ....................................
Ответственность по-американски, или как взяться за свою
жизнь, самому собой управлять, позаботиться о собственной
персоне и преуспеть в управлении собой ........................................
Ответственность и психотерапия: данные исследований
Ограничения ответственности...........................................................
Ответственность и экзистенциальная вина .....................................
Ответственность, воля и действие ...................................................
К клиническому пониманию воли: Ранк, Фарбер, Мэй ...........
Воля и клиническая практика............................................................
Решение - выбор ................................................................................
Прошлое против будущего в психотерапии ....................................
Часть III. ИЗОЛЯЦИЯ .....................
8. Экзистенциальная изоляция..
Что такое экзистенциальная изоляция? ...............................
Изоляция и отношения..........................................................
Экзистенциальная изоляция и психопатология
межличностных отношений ...................................................
9. Экзистенциальная изоляция и психотерапия ....................
Ориентир в понимании межличностных отношений .......
Конфронтирование пациента с изоляцией .........................
Встреча пациент-терапевт и изоляция .................................
10. Кризис бессмысленности...
Проблема смысла..................
Смысл жизни.........................
Потеря смысла: значение в терапии
Клиническое исследование...........
II. Бессмысленность и психотерапия
Почему мы нуждаемся в смысле?
Психотерапевтические стратегии.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100